Like the basses shown to model the Thumbfin, I have a single, large pole piece instrument. The pickup is located at a decent point from the bridge. It's got the two top screw 'gap' that just attracts the thumb. The fretboard offers minimal, but still usable thumb real estate, but ... that gap! I am describing a semi-hollow that is a tone blaster, minimal feedback, so it's great to crank up and finesse the strings. And with the great sound I could get, I still wanted that second pickup thumb anchor. Drilling a thumb bar into a single piece, archtop semi-hollow was... just a monstrous proposal, in the actual process but also in taste. I now have access to the entire right hand position and now have the full potential of tones possible. THE VERY SECOND I saw a blurb about it in a general NAMM video, I immediately got one. It was a fantasic decision. Initially I though, anything is better than nothing, not too pricey... but the material it's made iof looked... not perfect as far as the picture. I expected a 3D printer, rougher ridge type of thing. I also thought, maybe it's a rubber composite, that sounds better than a rough 3D print. But once I got it in my hand - it was a 'wow' moment. As in 'wow' I was so wrong. It's not rubber, because that would be too constricting in quick movements and the ridges are of the 'just enough grip' texture. The thing -obviously- is pretty close to the feel of a pickup housing... hmm, what a coincidence!? Obviously it is by design and THAT speaks of lots of tests and thinking, but also simple common sense innovation. Don't need to invent a space age polymer that floats in mid-air and walks your dog for you. It's the thing that everyone has thought of, but, 'meh, I'd rather ...' I am too happy I pulled the trigger. It's STRONG suction (with li'l tabs to lift) and the just right size make it perfect for anyone, any bass. It's limits are your preferences. It can get comfortably close to the strings with the clearance on the bottom or other side, same thing. So whatever your hand size, whatever instrument, whatever you want - it's all there! Slick, yet not smooth. Big enough to get out of the way. Convenient enough for dialing in the most advantageous position. Strong enough grop to rock the heck out. It's the obvious choice we've been waiting for. I'm so baffled as to the perfect simplicity and usefulness of it. I could go on... just please. Please do yourself and your wrists and fingers a kindness; get one... or three if you like to have color correct funkiness. This. Is. A. Thumb-Changer. Perfection.
Great product, easy to install. You can get it in just the right spot.
I play a Steinberger 5 string. The pickup bezels are low profile, and I use the low B string frequently, so I don't like to rest my thumb there. The Thumb Fin gives me thumb placement exactly where I need it, without having to drill any holes in the body! Highly recommend!🤘😎
Bought this for my acoustic basses, Fits perfect, I'm very pleased with it.
Fast shipping and quality product.